About the auction

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Can private buyers purchase company cars at Autorola.eu?

No, only car dealers can buy cars directly at auction. Autorola.eu serves as a wholesale market for car dealers and the cars here are sold without warranty. However, you are entitled to buy cars at the extended auction. You may bid on cars here that were not sold at auction. This area is not the regular auction but a catalogue of cars not sold through the auction. If the buyer accepts your offer, you have effectively bought the car. Therfore you are legally bound as the new owner, in exchange for the agreed sum, and commission to Autorola.eu.

Telephone support

Weekdays 08.30-17:00 | Telephone: If you have bought a car or need support regarding an Autorola auction please call the Autorola office in the country of origin.
E-mail: kundencenter@autorola.de